

Who is Lindsey

Lindsey Quebedeaux is a native Texan, high school teacher and coach, and personal running coach. She has had a successful running career starting in junior high, high school, college, and now beyond. She is now based in New Braunfels, Texas and is a high school physical education teacher and track/cross country coach. Her personal achievements as a runner include a 1:31.50 half marathon, an 18:44 5K, a 5:04 1500m, and a 2:16 800m. 

Lindsey has her bachelor's degree from Texas State University in exercise and sports science with a minor in sports psychology. She also ran track and cross country at Texas State for four years and helped coach there one year. After she graduated she taught and coached at a junior high school for two years and is now currently in her sixth year of teaching and coaching at the high school level.

Outside of her full time job, you can find her outside playing, hiking, or swimming in the river with her husband and puppy. She loves traveling, going to beaches, eating good foods, and of course running in new places.

Whether you are in one of Lindsey’s running groups, one of her online athletes, or a student athlete, her coaching is consistent. She believes in helping people achieve their goals to become the best that they can be. She challenges them to push to their limits while providing structure for their training.